Microblading | Combination Brows | Lip Blush


Microbladed Brows £165
Combination Brows £175

Lip Blush £195
(Above prices include a 4-8 week top up)

Colour Boost
3-6 months £60
7-12 months £80
13-18 months £100
19+ months New Set

Please note all new bookings require a £20 non-refundable deposit which is deducted from your total amount on the day of treatment.


Does SPMU hurt?
A numbing gel is used to ensure you are comfortable throughout the treatment.

How long does it last?
On average brows last 12-18 months / Lip Blush 2-3 years.

How long does the appointment take?
2-3 hours.

What is the difference between Microblading and Combination Brows?
Microbladed is hairstrokes only, Combination Brows is hairstrokes and shading to create a bolder look.

Can I have it done if I have had it done before?
If previous SPMU has faded enough we can go over old work. If not, removal will be suggested - this is something we offer also at our studio.